video, hoopjumper, video marketingHow often do you use video in your real estate marketing efforts?

If your answer is “not much”, then you should seriously consider a change in your thinking. Here are four reasons why.

Video is the most powerful way to convey messages and ideas today.

Studies have shown that when someone watches a video, they are able to retain 95% of the message; this is significantly more effective in marketing your brand than the 10% amount of information that gets remembered when the message is conveyed via text format.

This is because most information that is absorbed by our brain is transmitted visually.

If you’re looking to buy a house, you’ll be more likely to remember its features when you’ve seen a virtual tour rather than if you just read plain text about it accompanied by still images.

Which brings us to the second point…

Real Estate consumers want videos of properties more than ever.

According to a survey done in 2018, 54% of consumers wanted to see more video content from a brand or business they supported. It’s safe to assume that in the past two years, this number has grown significantly alongside the overall demand of video content.

In YouTube alone, over 500 million hours of content is consumed daily, which shows just how much people are hooked to watching videos.

This is especially true for real estate buyers. In one survey, more than 65% of people looking for homes or condos became more interested with the property because of the video related to the property.

In another study, researchers found that a real estate agent or broker website had a greater chance of getting more website visitors if it had more videos posted than a website with no videos.

Video as a marketing tool generates greater ROI.

It’s been proven that creating video content generates more money than any other form of media. Adding an explainer video on your website can increase conversions by 80%, and 83% of business owners interviewed said that videos gave them a good return of investment.

This is because videos help build trust with the client by giving them useful and relevant information, not just selling them to your service. As Mark Schaefer, the Executive Director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions, puts it:

“The new era demands a focus on ignition, not just content, on trust, not just traffic, and on the elite people in your audience who are spreading and advocating your content.”

And while creating video content may not be the most inexpensive marketing tool, it has become the most effective way of getting good to great ROI.

This is why…

More real estate agents and brokers now include video content on their websites.

More than 55% of real estate related websites now contain at least one or two videos, and this is because having a video drives a lot of traffic to your website. In fact, merely mentioning the word ‘video’ in an article, blog or email increases the click rate by 13%!

Because people are more likely to watch videos than read articles, having videos on your website will make them stay longer, which signals search engines like Google that your website has great content.

Finally, studies also showed that embedded videos on websites increase traffic by up to 55%.

This is why more and more real estate websites have video content nowadays.

Interested to have more video content on your website?

HoopJumper customizes websites with a unique visually appealing homepage and flawlessly integrates videos to make sure you get your ideal client to contact you.

Click here to setup a call with me, Brett Miller, and I will go over all the specifics so you can start utilizing Video Marketing to boost your business!