You want to try video blogging for your business, awesome! But how do you fit in and position your content to your business editorial calendar?

Video marketing or vlogging is a booming trend, and it’s a marketing strategy your business should have. It’s a way to increase exposure, attract potential customers, boost SEO, and generate sales. It can be challenging if you run out of topics or you don’t post regularly. That’s why the first step is to create an editorial calendar to ensure your marketing videos and content are strategically organized. 

In today’s article, we’re giving you a few tips on how to set up your video blog editorial calendar. But first, let’s discuss what an editorial calendar is.


What is an editorial calendar?

An editorial calendar or publishing schedule aids content creators in developing and distributing various forms of content. Especially blogging or video blogs, an editorial calendar allows you to plan and oversee the complete content and publication procedure over a time frame. You can also assign your team members on various topics and content; thus, it can be used for various purposes.

  • Coming up with blog post themes
  • Putting together one or more content calendar
  • Make sure the publications are consistent 
  • Organize a group of content producers or members
  • Create goals and strategies
  • Create an SEO plan
  • Assess the outcomes

The importance of creating an editorial calendar as the first step in setting up your video blog cannot be overstated. But the next question that would come to your mind is how to make one for your vlog.


Steps to set up a video blog editorial calendar

There is no such thing as a perfect or one-size-fits-all editorial calendar, as everything will rely on your business demands. The steps provided below can help you create an editorial calendar tailored to your niche.


Identify your objectives

You must first choose the outcome you want to attain before creating an editorial calendar. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you want your readers or viewers to take away from your vlog entries in the long run?
  • What ideal customers do you wish to attract?
  • What are the primary issues your target audience is dealing with, and how will your vlog address them?
  • After a certain time length, how many monthly or weekly viewers do you want your site to have?
  • How are you going to market your content or vlogs?
  • What tools, sites, or services are you going to use?
  • How many videos per month do you plan to publish?
  • How many authors or contributors do you need to meet those goals?

These are among the concerns you will have to address to set good and achievable goals.


Choosing the right editorial calendar format

Google calendar is a great example that offers advantages and tools available to assist you in organizing content publication dates and other content-related activities. 

If you’re also planning to delegate work, manage projects, develop forecasts, or monitor feedback, a calendar app might not be enough. You can try Trello or Asana as it is a much preferable platform for a team project if you want to go on a full project management mode.

Other content productions and scheduling systems provide pre-designed content calendars that you can customize to match your business needs. You can also set up Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets if you’re keeping an eye on everything that falls in deadlines, organizing assignments in rows and columns, etc.


Make a list of the content you want to explore

The next step is to determine what information or content you want to share on your vlog after you’ve set your goals. The topics you wish to cover should match your business marketing plans. However, because some subject areas are extensive, it may not cover all the possibilities. Some topics may also require acquiring other tools or resources that you do not currently own. You may need business tools integration to meet your marketing plan’s goals.

You can be innovative by sending out surveys or timely polls on Twitter or Facebook to ask your audience about frequent topics they want to hear. You can also conduct a meeting, brainstorm ideas with your team, or research the most trending topics aligned to your niche.


Schedule publications and posts that works for you

How often do you want to post? 

You should need to find out what your viewers expect from you before deciding how frequently you want to release content. Small video blogs, on average, publish 2 to 3 videos per week. Depending on the level of web traffic you want to generate, and the appeal it creates to your viewers, moderate to lengthy vlogs can be published 3 to 5 times weekly.

Also, remember to focus more on the quality rather than the number of content you can post. 


Test it!

It is possible the first time you build a vlog editorial calendar and schedule your content; you won’t get it quite right. But this isn’t to say you shouldn’t pursue the idea. Planning takes careful decision-making and time. You should give your content over a 6 to 12 months period and a minimum of 30 days’ observation of how it goes.

Keep in mind to track the desired outcomes you received. You may then assess and decide what changes are needed to align your publication schedule and the editorial calendar with your objectives.


What you need to know setting up a video blog editorial calendar

Video blogging gives visual listings, generates leads, and your brand more depth and personality. Additionally, the online audience is more hooked to watching marketing videos. It is proven to build rapport, establish trust and credibility.

Are you looking for a highly skilled and experienced technology partner?

Hoopjumper can help you create a customized editorial calendar optimized for your needs. Whether you aim to edit or produce high-quality video blogs, podcasts, or social videos, we can help you achieve your goals.

We invite you to explore our video services packages, and let’s discuss how you can get greater sales and continued growth.