by haley goodman | Feb 15, 2021 | Business Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Featured Blog, HoopJumper, Online Lead Generation, Real Estate, Social Media, Social Media Best Practices
Picture this: You keep pushing back that Facebook post you meant to schedule because client appointments are filling up your calendar. Or, you started a Facebook Ad but are perplexed with the options and decisions required to run one campaign. You are not alone. Lots...
by Brett Miller | Jan 15, 2018 | Business Marketing, Featured Blog, HoopJumper, Marketing, Success, Successful Real Estate, Successful Small Business
On Thursday, January 11, we did a Webinar Cutting Edge Ways to Use Testimonials to Grow Your Business. Did you miss it? We have recorded the webinar just for you. Here’s the recording: In this video you will learn: The difference between a QUOTE and a Compliment and...