In this blog, we’ll be talking about some of the most common myths propagated about working with a marketing agency, and why these are what they are – myths.
If you have ever tried to market or advertise your business, you know the difficulties and complexities of doing such a thing – the amount of time, effort and resources that you have to put out is incredibly mind-boggling, that you would rather not do it at all.
But the thing is, that marketing is an integral part of growing your business. Without marketing, it would take longer for people to find you (if they ever find you at all, what with all the competition out there), and you would have a harder time convincing your potential customers/clients of how good your products or services are.
This is why a marketing agency like HoopJumper exists. Instead of you spending all that time, money and effort in marketing your business, we jump through hoops and do that for you.
Of course, in spite of the many facts and evidences on the effectiveness of working with marketing agencies, there are still myths that circulate around, trying to scare business owners away from doing so.
Let’s talk about those myths.
Myth #1. Working with a Marketing Agency is Expensive
A friend of mine once invited me to a fishing trip. As we went out into the sea to start fishing, I noticed that he brought with him a very expensive fishing pole that I thought cost about a thousand dollars. I thought how expensive the fishing pole was, considering that you could catch the same fish with a pole that cost a hundred bucks or less.
When I brought this up to my friend, he explained how he’s always loved fishing all his life, and he always wanted the best equipment so they last the longest. He also explained that there were certain advantages that more expensive fishing poles had in terms of durability and strength.
I told this story because in that encounter, I realized something important; because fishing was important to my friend, he wanted to make sure that he had all the right tools to do it.
It’s the same thing with marketing, isn’t it? When you realize how important marketing is to your business, you’ll also see that the cost of working with a marketing agency isn’t just about paying the people that do the work; it also involves getting top-notch platforms and systems in order to produce the best output for you.
Myth #2. The Quality of Marketing Agency Output is Not That Great
Marketing agencies aren’t freelancers. They are comprised of teams of professionals that bring with team years of rich marketing experience.
As such, a typical marketing agency such as HoopJumper would have numerous policies and processes in place to ensure that only the best output is produced.
As a marketing agency, we aren’t just a third-party company that you hire for marketing work – we strive to be an extension of your marketing department. That is the value that we place on you as a client.
This is why when you work with HoopJumper, we don’t immediately just throw in some random website, poster or social media page so you can start advertising your business; rather, we take the time to talk to you, understanding what your business is and what your marketing needs are, so we can tailor-fit the programs and systems that we will be implementing for your marketing campaigns, and produce the best materials to get your target leads to find you and get interested in your business.
Myth #3. Marketing Agencies Won’t Really Care About My Brand
Marketing is all about making your brand known and attractive to your prospects, so when a marketing agency works with you, we don’t just build random marketing stuff and leave you to worry about it.
Instead, we spend a lot of time talking to you so you can impart your brand on us, which would then let us build the right marketing materials that would fit your business’s character and values.
While it is true that at first, a marketing agency like HoopJumper won’t know much about you or your brand, through consultation calls, we’ll be able to get the gist of what your business is all about and what you aspire to be for your clients or customers.
Many of our clients have been with us for a long time because not only have we been able to create marketing systems and materials that truly express who they are and what their business is about, but we have also built genuine relationships with them, assuring them that we DO care about their brand and their business.
Myth #4. I’d Need to Hire a Marketing Agency for Every Aspect of My Marketing Campaign
No you don’t. Like we mentioned in the points above, we function as an extension of your marketing department. As such, you have the option to choose which aspects of your marketing plan you’ll have us work on, and which aspects you can take care of yourself, especially if you have a department taking care of it already.
Marketing Agencies like HoopJumper exist because we are the best at what we do. Our years of experience in doing top-notch marketing work has allowed us to look at our clients’ marketing plans, find the flaws, and present real solutions to improve their systems and campaigns.
A marketing agency doesn’t have to take over ALL your marketing campaign. When you do a consultation call with us, we won’t tell you, “just sit down and relax while we work on this;” rather, we will let you know which areas we will handle for you, and which areas you can be responsible for so we produce the best output for your marketing campaign.
Myth #5. Marketing Agencies Take a Long Time to Get Back to Their Clients
As the founder and president of HoopJumper, I have always instilled the value of jumping through hoops for our clients to each and every member of the HoopJumper team. This means that a part of our customer service attitude is to always communicate and get back to our clients at the fastest time possible.
Remember, people that work in a marketing agency are professionals. We aren’t just some random guys who know about marketing; this is our life and blood.
When we do a consultation call with you, we lay out a timeline of how long a work is going to take, and we do our best to meet those deadlines because we value what you value.
Are you ready to work with a top-notch marketing agency to help you boost your marketing efforts?
Contact HoopJumper today and let’s get on a consultation call.